Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of 3rd Grade!

We had a Marvelous Monday at school today. There were a lot of papers that went home today so make sure you sign those and return them ASAP. Remember, we will win a Popsicle party if the entire class returns their papers that need to be signed by Thursday, August 25, 2011.

The car rider line at dismissal will start going a lot faster as the weeks go on. Expect a little delay the first few days until we can get parents and kids in the routine of how things work. Thanks for being patient with us!

I'll see those smiling faces bright and early in the morning! :) Remember the kids will enter the school building and go to the gym until they are dismissed to the grade level pods.

What a successful day today was...see you in the morning!

***Don't forget a light sweater or jacket if you were cold in class today.

School theme: We're W.I.L.D. About Good Character!

W= Where

I= Individuals

L= Learn &

D= Discover

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