Monday, August 29, 2011


So this is how it works...

Mrs. Fisbeck assigns math homework throughout the week. If your child has turned in all assignments on time and has completed all homework by Friday, each kid will get to roll the die and move their marker around the Homeworkopoly board (just like Monopoly).

Here's the prizes for the different board pieces:

Take a Seat on the Bus: sit anywhere in the class for the day

Pass Go: No homework pass good for one item

Brain Binder: The class will get asked "brain binder" questions by Mrs. Fisbeck

Chance/Community Lunchbox: they pull a chance card out of the bag for a chance to win stinky feet, write with ink for the day, teacher helper, lunch with the principal, etc.

So help encourage your child to complete homework on a daily basis and they will get to play this fun game! :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hi parents! We introduced place value today and here's the story I like to use to introduce place value to the millions place. After I read the story to the students and we practiced reading and writing numbers to the hundred thousands place, they were able to draw a picture of how they imagined the story. Here's an example of one of our classmates work so far. Remember, we still have to finish our pictures next week.

Ask your child to tell you the place value fable and see if they can make it interesting! :) (P.S.- my afternoon class did not have time to get to this today so only the morning class will know the story).

PLEASE remember to sign your child's daily conduct folder every night (even if they do not have a mark in their folder).
Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of 3rd Grade!

We had a Marvelous Monday at school today. There were a lot of papers that went home today so make sure you sign those and return them ASAP. Remember, we will win a Popsicle party if the entire class returns their papers that need to be signed by Thursday, August 25, 2011.

The car rider line at dismissal will start going a lot faster as the weeks go on. Expect a little delay the first few days until we can get parents and kids in the routine of how things work. Thanks for being patient with us!

I'll see those smiling faces bright and early in the morning! :) Remember the kids will enter the school building and go to the gym until they are dismissed to the grade level pods.

What a successful day today was...see you in the morning!

***Don't forget a light sweater or jacket if you were cold in class today.

School theme: We're W.I.L.D. About Good Character!

W= Where

I= Individuals

L= Learn &

D= Discover

Saturday, August 20, 2011



I had the pleasure of meeting a few of you at "Meet The Teacher" night. For those of you who did not get to meet me, I am Mrs. Fisbeck. I teach third grade math, science and health. I grew up in Sugar Land, Tx and I am a product of FBISD schools. I graduated from Texas Tech University with a degree in Multidisciplinary Studies with a minor in Special Education. I am a certified EC-4th grade teacher. I am also certified in Special Education, Gifted & Talented and ESL. This will be my 6th year as a teacher in FBISD. I absolutely love what I do and I can't wait to meet all of you!

Here's a little bit about me: I am a daughter to two amazing parents who have been married 38 years this February. I have one brother and a sister in law, a 2 1/2 year old nephew and a 6 month old niece. We are very close and live about a mile away from each other. I have an absolutely wonderful husband, Brandon. We welcomed our first child, Jackson, in to this world a little over a year ago. He is 15 months old. Family is one of the most important things in my life. I attribute this to my need to communicate with my students parents on a regular basis. :)
I enjoy all sports (softball, volleyball, basketball, jogging, swimming, baseball, college football and many more).

Interesting Facts About Me:

-My softball team won 1st place at Nationals in 1995 (this was one of my proudest moments as a teenager)
-I am fluent in American Sign Language
-I was on ESPN four times during college (as one of Texas Tech's biggest sports fans)

I wanted to explore the technology world this year so I am trying to dedicate time to keep a class blog for my parents to visit for information. I will try my hardest to keep this updated throughout the year. I will upload tutorial videos, papers that go home in Tuesday folders (if I am able to get it in electronic form), classroom progress, etc. I hope you enjoy this and are patient with me as I am entering a new adventure with blogging. :)

Here's to a GREAT year!

Feel free to contact me with any concerns!

Lauren Fisbeck