Friday, October 28, 2011

Well, well, well!

Hi everyone!

As you all have noticed, I have taken a little break from the blogging world. :) So I thought I would try to catch you all up to speed now.

Please make sure my students are practicing their multiplication facts on a nightly basis. Make it fun and play "around the world" at home. Better yet, play "card war" by multiplying the first 2 cards flipped over in a deck! Every little bit will help!

Check out the resources page for new websites and for more practice at home!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rounding Numbers

Hey there class! I wanted to show you a helpful worksheet you can use when you're practicing rounding numbers at home. I uploaded the file to the "lost papers" box on the right hand side of the blog. It is under the "math help" folder. Hope this helps you!

Remember our chant: 0-4 you go no more; 5-9 you have to climb!

Make sure you're practicing those math facts at home!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We're learning together...

I finally learned how to upload videos to my blog. I still haven't mastered how to upload the video to my "math tutorials" tab but hey, this is a learning process. :) Thank you for being patient with me in this new adventure of blogging.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page, I have added a tutorial video for subtraction. Enjoy!